Sixth Form College
Client: NewVIcSixth Form College is London's largest sixth form college with over 2,500 full-time students.
Brief: As part of a £6 million investment NewVIc College set about creating a new campus and we were thrilled to have won a three-way pitch to deliver a new reception area, café and learning resource centre.
Challenges: Based in the east London Borough of Newham, the college sends more disadvantaged students to university than any other provider in England. With this in mind, it was important for NewVIc College to create something different for their students, they wanted something that went beyond the traditional library – something inspirational that would connect the students to university life before they actually got there.
Solution: Coming up with something different meant we really had to understand the way space was going to be used and design a creative, inspirational environment where students would be motivated to work and achieve their best, whether they were working in small groups or undertaking individual, focused studying.
We used plectrum tables as opposed to round or square tables as we felt these would create the right atmosphere and look and feel for the new resource centre and allow small groups of up to three students to work together effectively. This creates a very different, more focused dynamic than having larger groups of students sitting at rows of square tables trying to work in small groups. The plectrum tables proved very popular and were also selected as computer tables in the resource centre. Technology plays a huge part in the learning process, so our design also included some larger pieces of furniture with soft seating where students can connect their mobile devices and work in a more relaxed, university style environment.
The need to create something inspirational also extended to the new café, where we sourced bespoke chairs with a white front and a coloured, graphic faceted style back, creating a modern and creative café for students to relax and socialise.
Impact: The biggest difference our design for the new learning resource centre delivered was choice. Students previously did not have a choice as to where they studied, they had to study in a small space defined by where the college could accommodate them. Now students have a range of study areas designed and shaped with their specific study needs in mind. From individual areas to collaborative spaces, they can choose where and how they work to suit their needs.

Rodney Kain, Learning Resource Manager NewVIc Sixth Form College.
"The feedback we've had from students is they absolutely love it. They love the individual spaces. The listening, the care taken, the phone calls, the communication. It's all there. And it's there all the time. If I've got a question for Stella or someone at Foursquare I just put it in an email and get an instant response. I would absolutely recommend Foursquare for any kind of project."
Whether you’re looking to refurbish your existing LRC or fitting-out a new one, our consultancy, space planning, design and installation service will guide you through every step of the project. Email for a free initial consultation.